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Thursday, 3 January 2013

0 malnutrition -A major health problem, its diagnosis and treatment.

friends here is a full video description regarding the medical problem, its diagnosis and management.
this is power point presentation of the description of the disease which i converted i into a video which could be much more interesting and very useful for the undergraduates to revise them the whole text of the topic in a very quick & easy manner.
i hope that my little hard work may be a helpful one for your exams.
the video has been embedded in this blog but due to some technical you may not be able to view it. so if you are not able to view it.
here is the link just copy it down and paste in the browser and see the video directly on the YouTube video page. kindly like like the video on the YouTube page if you really like it.
and if you have any thing to say about the video or anything you want to comment over are most welcome.

A powerpoint presentation created by myself regardind the problem of poors. malnutrition being a major health problem even today esp. in the developing countries. here is a presentation created for lecturers and students which may help them to boost their knowledge in a more entertaining way. it is only for their knowledge and advisable that before their application in the clinical purpose refer standard books and take advise of established doctors.
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