Ø Oleanders you almost have seen it but have never thought of it. Being
a medico what I knew is that every particle is a poison until and unless it
exceeds it normal limit.
Ø Yes oleanders are also poisonous and are fatal if consumed a little
Ø Usually not all oleanders are poisonous, only yellow oleander is
fatal. It is also known as thevetia Peruvian.
Ø The oleander plant contains glycosides which resemble digitoxin, a
cardiac glycoside.
Ø Hence it poisonous effects mainly over the heart.
or clinical features
v Within 3 hours the symptoms start causing mainly gastro intestinal
v Symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pains.
v Others symptoms belong to cardiac origin which includes: heart
rates reduce, and the patient may become anxious.
Some other features
include: dizziness, numbness, tingling, restlessness, hypotension and also
abdominal cramps may also occur.
v Hyperkalaemia and acidosis develops.
v Hyperkalaemia means increased concentration of free potassium responsible
for cardiac symptoms.
v Digoxin is estimated by radioimmunoassay.

Ø This information for medical students & other medicos is only
for immediate information and to help them to revise them quickly but it’s my
personal advice that please refers standard books over the subject as it
provides you with latest and best information.
Ø This information is too from medical standard books and journals
but before their application you need to be very careful.
Ø Hence it’s better that you should take help of established doctors and
experts before applications of such knowledge available over the internet.
Ø Apply on your own risk.
Ø Absolute precaution’s is not responsible for any complication which
you come across by application of such knowledge.
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for you examination purpose.
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