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Sunday, 3 February 2013


v  Datura plant is a poisonous plant whose all parts are poisonous but fruit and seeds are most toxic.
v  It produces anticholinergic  syndrome
v  Its scientific name is “datura stramonium “ (jimson seed).
v  Mode of poisoning is by mixing the seed in food items and giving to other.
v  Atropine & scopolamine are the toxin agent present in it.

Clinical features or symptoms

v  Symptoms appear within 30 minutes of ingestion and last for 1 to 2 days.
v  Classical symptoms includes feeling of extreme hot (hot as a hare ) ,blinds ness ( ciliary muscle paralysis),dryness(dryness of mouth ,urinary retention ,bowel movement reduced).
v  Redness (cutaneous vasodilatation causing flushing ), & madness(CNS arousal, delirium & hallucinations).
v  The pupils become dilated.
v  Stupor, coma& convulsions occur in the fatal cases.
v  Death occurs due to respiratory failure or cardiovascular collapse.


v  Gastric emptying is done immediately.
v  Supportive is given to all the vital organs.
v  Hyperthermia is controlled.
v  Urinary catheterisation is done.
v  Agitation are controlled by the use of benzodiazepines.
v  Some use physostigmine but its use is controversial.


       This information for medical students & other medicos is only for immediate information and to help them to revise them quickly but it’s my personal advice that please refers standard books over the subject as it provides you with latest and best information.

       This information is too from medical standard books and journals but before their application you need to be very careful.

       Hence it’s better that you should take help of established doctors and experts before applications of such knowledge available over the internet.

       Apply on your own risk.

       Absolute precaution’s is not responsible for any complication which you come across by application of such knowledge.

       Than you friends for visiting. But this information is very useful for you examination purpose.

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