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Friday, 3 February 2012

0 how to manage a pregnancy in absence of hospital facilities in emergencies?

Many of us doesnt know how to react to the situations in emergensy, or they doesnt want to realise the fact that such situations may come in their lifes too... so beteer be prepared all these thins in lie..
my this blog mainly deals with situations or we can say emergensy situations in life... so you must have a knowlede about all these things

Management of Normal Labor

Labor consists of a series of rhythmic, involuntary, progressivecontractions of the uterus that cause effacement (thinning and shortening) and dilation of the uterine cervix. The stimulus for labor is unknown, but digitally manipulating or mechanically stretching the cervix during examination enhances uterine contractile activity, most likely by stimulating release of oxytocin by the posterior pituitary gland. Normal labor usually begins within 2 wk (before or after) the estimated delivery date. In a first pregnancy, labor usually lasts 12 to 18 h on average; subsequent labors are often shorter, averaging 6 to 8 h. Management of complications during labor requires additional measures (see Abnormalities and Complications of Labor and Delivery: Alternativesto Spontaneous Labor and Delivery ).
Beginning of labor: Bloody show (a small amount of blood with mucous discharge from the cervix) may precede onset of labor by as much as 72 h. Bloody show can be differentiated from abnormal 3rd-trimester vaginal bleeding because the amount is small, bloody show is typically mixed with mucus, and the pain due to abruptio placentae (premature separation) is absent. In most pregnant women, previous ultrasonography has been done and ruled out placentaprevia. However, if ultrasonography has not ruled out placenta previa and vaginal bleeding occurs, placenta previa isassumed to be present until it is ruled out. Digital vaginal examination is contraindicated, and ultrasonography is done as soon as possible.
Labor begins with irregular uterine contractions of varying intensity; they apparently soften (ripen) the cervix, which begins toefface and dilate. As labor progresses, contractions increase in duration, intensity, and frequency.
Stages of labor: There are 3 stages of labor.
The 1st stage —from onset of labor to full dilation of the cervix (about 10 cm)—has 2 phases, latent and active.
During the latent phase, irregular contractions become progressively better coordinated, discomfort is minimal, and the cervix effaces and dilates to 4 cm. The latent phase is difficult to time precisely, and duration varies, averaging 8 h in nulliparas and 5 h in multiparas; duration is considered abnormal if it lasts > 20 h in nulliparas or > 12 h in multiparas.

all these situations are only for the emergensy situatiuons so nobody try to attempt this when there is a availability of medical facilities... although you may know it will hard apply it at a time for a new person   so  you must know it but 1st priority should be given to the hospitals.


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