hey freinds this my blog may hlp you in some of the emergencies in your life which may help you to manage events or other other emergency situations such as accidents, where you need to know the following things tobe saved.
for example if at any time in your life if you or anybody of your dear one my need to be saved from such a situations such as accidents , trume , bleeding the first of things or first aid things what a person supposed to do to save a person is given here....
although you may need to take him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible but in case you may not have medical facilities on time then this may help you.
so my best advise is to read the content carefully...
Direct Pressure
Hold pressure directly on the wound
Regardless how severe, all bleeding can be controlled. If left uncontrolled, bleeding may lead to shock or even death. Most bleeding can be stopped before the ambulance arrives at the scene. While you're performing the steps for controlling bleeding, you should also be calling for an ambulance to respond. Bleeding control is only part of the equation. For tips on summoning an ambulance, check out Calling for Help .
The first step in controlling a bleeding wound is to plug the hole. Blood needs to clot in order to start the healing process and stop the bleeding. Just like ice won't form on the rapids of a river, blood will not coagulate when it's flowing.
The best way to stop it is to...stop it. Put pressure directly on the wound. If you have some type of gauze, use it. Gauze pads hold the blood on the wound and help the components of the blood to stick together, promoting clotting. If you don't have gauze, terrycloth towels work almost as well.
If the gauze or towel soaks through with blood, add another layer. Never take off the gauze. Peeling blood soaked gauze off a wound removes vital clotting agents and encourages bleeding to resume.
Once bleeding is controlled, take steps to treat the victim for shock
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