frends many times we go to other cities, countries and at the unknown places sometimes at that time we need to stay at a hotel for one or two days. at that time we use the rooms freely like our own houses thats where we make the mistakes. at every unknown places we need to be a little bit of serious and need to take some precautions to avoid some of the un neccessary things that may took place.
nowadays we familiar with the porn materials being created that may destroy your whole life.
many hotel rooms ,changing rooms , toilet rooms and bedrooms are being targeted to make such rubbish things so here iam giving a simple ways to avoid such things happens with you.
so better have a look n the below which may help you to get out of a big problem in your life. When we visit bathrooms, hotel rooms, changing rooms, etc., how many of you know for sure that the seemingly ordinary mirror hanging on the wall is a real mirror, or actually a 2-way mirror (i.e. they can see you, but you can't see them)?
There have been many cases of people installing 2-way mirrors in female changing rooms. It is very difficult to positively identify the surface by just looking at it. It's time to get paranoid. So, how do we determine with any amount ofcertainty? Just conduct this simpletest:
Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a GAP between your fingernail and the image of the nail, then it is a GENUINE mirror. However, if your fingernail DIRECTLY TOUCHES the image of your nail, then BEWARE, for it is a 2-way mirror!
So if not at home and changing before a mirror, do the "fingernailtest". It doesn't cost you anything.It is simple to do, and it might save you from getting "visually raped"!
Share this with your girlfriends.
Test 2: This from William Beaty, electrical engineer, Seattle: "... simply turn the lights off in [the] room, then place a bright flashlight against the mirror surface. If there is a hidden chamber behind the mirror, the flashlight will illuminate it, and sinceyou're in a darkened room, you'll see the hidden chamber."
A deputy from the Washington County Police Department in Oregon concurs, and suggests that even a pen-light will work forthis test, though not nearly as well. He further suggests that, if you are in a room (such as a changing room) where you cannot turn off the lights on your side, if you hold your eyes near to the glass surface and cup your hands around them oneither side to eliminate most of the light from your visual field, you ought to be able to see through the treated glass, as Mirropane will permit about a 12 percent passage of light (from the lit side to the hidden chamber, if there is one).
Douglas Brown, a part-time field researcher and writer who also works for Powell's Books, Inc. in Portland, Oregon, has some clever advice to share. He makes the point that there is a clear auditory difference between Mirropane and regularmirrors, because of how they are installed.Rap on the surface with your knuckle or fingernail, he says, andin most situations you'll be able to hear the difference in the sound produced. Ordinary mirrors have backing material which will dull the sound, while windowshave open air behind them and will reverberate more.
Keep it in mind! Make sure and check every time you enter in hotelrooms.May be someone is making a film on you.
Please share this information with your friends, family and all.
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